I just thought that I would take a moment, to say thanks to everyone who has supported, or who has invested their attention in my art over the years.

It is a blessing to be able to make/create/conjure every day. To be supported by an amazing, generous audience makes it doubly special.

I have been in this game for thirty years and not a day has gone by, over those years, where I didn’t draw, paint or think on some creation... Ha! That’s a long time, but yet it feels like I have only just begun, (cue the Carpenters song).

I used to daydream in high school about how amazing it would be to draw comics for Marvel or 2000ad. Oh, and Warren magazines. That would be enough for me, to make comics in the shadow of the greats (Kirby, Steranko, Adams, Kubert, Eisner, Byrne, McMahon, Bolland, Bisley, Ezquerra etc etc ). And fuck me I did that, (except Warren - bummer). Everything else has been cream!

Here is a quick little tale, so, I wanted to draw Dredd for 2000ad etc, but I was a bit wimpy and didn’t want to send my samples to them, smart huh? That’s really gonna get you hired... So anyway T.P. Louise basically got my samples together and sent them to editorial at the 2000ad publishers. A week later they phoned and sent me a Dredd script for the Megazine. I was floored with joy. I pretty much have T.P's belief and David Bishop chance taking to thank for my career!

I’ve got a thousand stories, maybe I’ll tell them here, if there is enough interest.



ashley wood